What is Success?

Let’s Talk About Success. Success is many things to many people. Obviously, we all understand financial success which is probably the most recognised representation of the word. Additionally, it could be physical success in achieving something in the fields of Sports or Dance, Musical success – being recognised in your industry, Success in your place […]

Healthy body for a healthy business?

An amazing fact, which many people tend to ignore is a quality that most successful business people have in common. It is – having a routine or more like having good discipline. If you are not generally a person who follows a specific set of activities in a certain sequence on a regular basis – […]

Brief note on – “But, I am not an expert”

I often come across people starting off in their journey as ‘self-employed’ person, with a lot of anticipation and excitement mixed with elements of self-doubt. This leads to lack of confidence in their own abilities. One of the most common issue, many entrepreneurs face is the realization that they have to face a potential client […]